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Travel Dating: Using Dating Apps to Find Travel Hookups

By: Melissa Miller , November 29, 2023

Leaving home to head out into the world to travel is always intended to be enjoyable, but embarking on a journey is not just about exploring new places. It’s also an incredible opportunity to meet and experience fascinating individuals with different lives than yours.  


With the rise of technology, dating apps have become an amazing tool for connecting with locals or fellow travelers. In this guide, we’ll explore the exciting world of meeting people on dating apps while on the road, travel sex and offer tips on how to hookup while traveling and make the most of this unique experience.

Perks Of Travel Dating & Meeting People


Using dating apps to meet people while you travel comes with numerous perks, adding a unique and enjoyable dimension to your journey. Travel dating can get you out of your normal dating pool, help you experience the culture of the location by connecting directly with locals, and it opens the door to unexpected encounters and allows you to go beyond planned itineraries, creating memories that you may not have anticipated.


Beyond dating and hooking up with new people in new places, you’ll also gain personal insights and recommendations, and ultimately, it will help you personally broaden your perspective.

Using Dating Apps to Find Travel Hookups


Before you start your journey, research and choose dating apps that are popular in the locations you’ll be visiting. You wouldn’t want to use an app that’s popular at home and barely used in your destination. 


Consider apps that cater to travelers or have features like location filters to make your quest for travel hookups more efficient. Changing your location earlier can even help you get a view of your flings, hookups and any cultural dating differences or lingo on the bios of the people living or traveling to your destination. 

1. Figure Out What Kind of Travel Hookup You Want

Swiping around on the apps before you get there can help the process of figuring out what you want to get out of your trips in terms of experiences with people you’ll connect with on the apps. 


While doing this ask yourself: 


  • If you’re looking to spend time with these people and you want to spend it. 
  • Are you looking for spontaneous hookups only? 
  • Do you want to do cultural activities or go to parties together? 
  • Are you searching for one night stands or maybe the opportunity to hook up a couple times during your stay? What type of travel hookups are you looking for?
  • Would you consider bringing them to where you’re staying or prefer to go home to their place? Would a neutral location work best for hooking up? 
  • And, are you going to start chatting with people before your arrival and make plans, or are you looking for more of the moment, spontaneity to meet people in the immediate area once you arrive? 
  • Should you bring protection since you won’t be familiar with the surrounding areas and what’s available or open to buy it?


These are all things you should decide for yourself and have some awareness of what you’re open to, looking for or completely against. 

2. Check Out Guides & Reviews For Where You’re Traveling

Granted, you can’t be expected to completely know the best places to meet your travel hookups from a quick Google search, but doing your research beforehand – whether that’s on travel sites or social media accounts – will not only prepare you for your travels, help you choose where to stay and what hot spots to visit, but it will also give you something to talk about with your potential dates. 


It would be annoying to expect a total stranger to lead you blindly. Show up with questions and curiosity, and let the people you meet while travel dating add to the experience rather than provide the entire thing for you. 

3. Find Dating Apps With The Right Features

Some dating apps are decidedly not built for the casual and short lived nature of travel dating. Do a bit of research and prioritize apps that let you filter by location or change the location of your profile to find matches. 


You’ll also want to make sure it’s popular among both locals and travelers to keep your options for a diverse set of experiences open. Beware apps that only have a user base in certain countries if it’s not one you’re traveling to.


Lastly, you’ll want something less like or Hinge, as they’re targeting users who are looking for partners or something more long term, and you’ll want to explore apps like for your hookup travel. 

4. Decide If You Want To Find a Travel Hookup Ahead of Time

First and foremost, you need to decide how big of a priority finding a travel hookup is for you, and then you can decide how you want to go about finding them. There are pros and cons of doing this beforehand. 


The positives for locking in a travel date before you arrive at your destination can be getting recommendations early. Connecting with locals beforehand allows you to receive insider tips on the best places to visit, eat, and explore, enhancing your overall travel experience. You can establish a bit of a built in social circle which allows you to plan activities and outings with someone who knows the area well, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable trip. It can also afford you a little more time to get to know someone, and for those open to romantic relationships, connecting before traveling allows the possibility of building a deeper connection that can evolve during your time in the destination.


There are, however, potential negatives to spending the time connecting with someone before your arrival. It could lead to unrealistic expectations, and the person you connect with may not live up to the image created online. Pre-planning interactions might limit the spontaneity of your trip, as you may feel obligated to stick to a predetermined schedule or set of activities, especially as you’re unfamiliar with the area and the unfamiliarity doesn’t always lend for realistic expectations for how long travel takes or how you’ll be feeling once you’re there. You can’t just call an Uber everywhere. 


Also, relying solely on one connection may limit your social interactions with a variety of people. If the connection doesn’t work out, you might find yourself without alternative plans. Hookup travel can be treated like regular dating at home where you talk to multiple people. 

5. Get Your Dating Profile Updated & Enticing

In order to create an engaging dating profile, consider sprucing it up and making sure it’s up to date:


  • Showcase your adventurous side in your profile pictures and bio. 
  • Be clear about your travel plans, mention if you’re open to meeting locals or fellow travelers. 
  • Be transparent about whether you’re looking for a travel buddy, a local guide, or just someone to hook up with for a night.
  • Make sure all your “about me” information is updated, like your smoking/drinking preferences. 
  • Add your travel dates and goals for the trip. If there are specific sights you want to see or activities you want to do, include them. 
  • Include how you like to spend your time. Is it aimlessly wandering or a more well planned itinerary? Do you want to focus on street food or high end restaurants? Let them know more about you by sharing how you like to travel. 


Make your profile work for you. Lastly, be genuine and show curiosity about the other person’s experiences and perspectives as well as the area you’re traveling to while you’re chatting with people on the apps. Your limited time traveling is as precious as others and you should respect that.

Dos & Don’ts for Hooking Up While Traveling


When exploring the world and connecting with someone for travel sex or a casual hookup, there are a few dos and don’ts to ensure your safety and make the most of your trip.

The Dos of Hookup Travel

Here are a few things you should consider when you’re hitting the road and looking to connect with someone new while traveling:


Do be honest about your intentions. Transparency about what you’re looking for and how you can show up are key. Make sure to respect others’ intentions and boundaries as well when you’re looking for travel hookups. 


Do prioritize your safety by letting a friend know your plans and whereabouts when meeting someone from a dating app. Use caution about sharing where you’re staying. Choose public spaces for the first meeting, and trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to leave and disconnect on the app. 


Do the opportunity to learn about the local culture, traditions, and hidden gems from your new acquaintances. Be open-minded and embrace the chance to broaden your perspectives.


Do plan activities that align with your shared interests. Whether it’s exploring a local market, hiking, or trying unique cuisine, shared experiences strengthen connections.


Do find somebody aligned with your travel hookup desires or fantasy. Talk about it in advance to ensure you’re on the same page. 


Do stay flexible and respectful of other people’s time. Travel plans can change, and so can your connections. Be open to new friendships and understand that some encounters may be brief but memorable.

The Don’ts of Hookup Travel


These are the things you shouldn’t do when while looking for a travel hookup: 


Don’t share the address where you’re staying in advance. Consider sharing the neighborhood or general vicinity instead. 


Don’t act like you know better than the locals. Do not disrespect customs or different cultural norms. 


Don’t lie about being a local. 

Don’t participate in activities that make you feel unsafe. While it’s always nice to get outside of your comfort zone, taking huge risks away from home and from your community may be dangerous.

Have Fun With Your Vacation Fling Fantasy & Travel Sex

Using dating apps while traveling offers a wealth of advantages and an exciting dimension to our journey, from gaining local insights to fostering authentic connections. There’s no better way to know a place than through the people. Be genuine and show curiosity about the other person’s experiences and perspectives as well as the area you’re traveling to. Embrace the opportunity to connect with people on a deeper level, and you’ll likely find that the relationships formed during your travels become an integral part of your overall journey, and you just might be able to enjoy a travel romance. 


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